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WVC Spotlights

Ricardo Escobedo

2024 Distinguished Alumni: Ricardo Escobedo

1999年毕业于WVC,获得技术科学副学士学位 是一种适应力、决心和对改变世界的承诺 world.

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Alberto Aramburo

Alberto Aramburo

Alberto Aramburo于2016年毕业,获得艺术与科学副学士学位 works as ECG and New Patient Referral Coordinator for Confluence Health. 

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Guadalupe Brito

Guadalupe Brito

 卢佩于2019年毕业于WVC,获得艺术与科学副学士学位 Associate of Business.

She is 目前是皇冠8868会员登录谷学院基金会的发展总监. Lupe 管理基金会的年度捐赠、前受奖人关系及商业关系. 她很高兴能回到我的母校,在那里她可以为基金会做出贡献 growth and help serve our students and community. 

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Eliza Zuniga

Eliza Zuniga

Eliza Zuniga attended Wenatchee Valley College  and graduated in 2012 .

Eliza目前在Confluence Health工作,担任职业道路协调员.

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Karissa Harle

Karissa Harle

Karissa Harle will be inducted into the Wenatchee Valley College Athletics Hall of Fame on Jan. 31, 2020 at the WVC Athletics Hall of Fame and Scholarship Auction. Karissa 1999-2001年在骑士女子篮球队打球,是地区最有价值球员 两届全美西北运动联盟(NWAC)女子篮球运动员.

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Belinda Brown

Belinda Brown Raub

贝琳达·布朗-劳布就读于奥马克校区的皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院并毕业 with an associate degree in 2021. She is currently a juvenile court services officer and guardian ad litem for the Okanogan County Juvenile & Family Services.

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Jessi Mendoza

Jessi Mendoza

杰西·门多萨(Jessi Mendoza)就读于皇冠8868会员登录谷学院(Wenatchee Valley College),并以商务转学的身份毕业 Degree in 2009.    He is currently a Business Banking Relationship Officer III at Numerica Credit Union. 

Why did you choose WVC?
我决定选择WVC,因为我想省钱,而且在工作的时候离家近一点 to pay for my education. I was determined to avoid taking on debt, so I decided to 在进入华盛顿州立大学之前获得商业转学学位 Business School. I succeeded and graduated with my business degree from WSU with $0 in student loan debt.

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Dennis Carlton

Distinguished Alumni 2023: Dennis Carlton

皇冠8868会员登录谷学院基金会董事会选择了丹尼斯·卡尔顿 as the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient. The foundation received nominations for 12 alumni from across North Central Washington.

“This award was totally unexpected,” Carlton said. “WVC has been a part of me every step of the way. College should be a leaping point for everybody. Education is an opportunity to expand who we are and what we are.”

Press Release

Darrell Dickeson

Distinguished Alumni 2022:  Darrell Dickeson

“我感到非常荣幸和荣幸获得这个奖项,因为我知道有 many others who are just as deserving. Wenatchee Valley College gave me the ability 支付我完成前两年高等教育的费用,确实如此 能够回馈社会,让别人也能有同样的机会,这真的是一种快乐." stated Dickeson.

作为土生土长的莱文沃斯人,迪克森和他的妻子凯伦回到了皇冠8868会员登录山谷 in 2012. Since then, he has been a member of several non-profit boards and served 作为皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院基金会的临时执行董事 Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center.  

Press Release

Rob Villa

Rob Villa

罗布·维拉是迎接和帮助新学生的三名工作人员之一 they arrive on campus. Now, a lot of that greeting takes place online, and things haven’t slowed down for Rob and his teammates.

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Light E Gonzalez

Light Estrada Gonzalez

莱特·埃斯特拉达·冈萨雷斯就读于皇冠8868会员登录谷学院,毕业时获得了一名助理 degree in 2019.  

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Jamie Ramirez

Distinguished Alumni 2020: Jaime Ramirez

Jaime Ramirez被评为2020年杰出校友,以表彰他对 感谢喀斯喀特小学的学生和家长以及他作为一名 instructor and coach.

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Maria Agnew

Maria Agnew

阿格纽的WVC之旅始于女子篮球队的体育奖学金 team in the 1980's.   Agnew was on the women’s basketball team as they won their 5th championship under Coach Dr. Sellers in 1981-82.  She completed her education with 巴斯蒂尔大学的法律和司法学位以及组织硕士学位.

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Greg Franz

Staff: Greg Franz

2011年至2018年的体育总监格雷格·弗朗茨分享了WVC是如何影响他的 career and life. 

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Laura Murphy

Laura Murphy-Belser

皇冠8868会员登录谷学院工作了近15年后,劳拉·墨菲-贝尔瑟, 资深教育项目专家,继续与 hundreds of student veterans and their families

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Bob Greiner

Bob Greiner

Bob Greiner is the WVC Auto Technology Program Director. He has personally been involved 在汽车行业的各个方面,这使他能够帮助指导WVC汽车技术 students in whatever career path they choose.

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April Tedder

Faculty: April Tedder

艾普莉·特德作为兼职兼职教员的道路可谓漫长 弯弯曲曲的道路,到处都是驿站和不同的风景,但激光专注于指定.

虽然泰德是皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院的新成员,开始 in October 2021, she is not new to WVC.

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Patrick Tracy

Patrick Tracy

Patrick Tracy is the WVC MLT Program Director. Patrick's dedication to the success of the MLT program extends beyond educating college students. In his words, "I enjoy the fact that we serve students and we serve the community."

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Karen Alman

Faculty: Dr. Karen Alman

Dr. Karen Champagnie Alman is the Communication Studies Faculty & Department Lead at Wenatchee Valley College. Dr. Alman offers a unique and culturally rich perspective to her students and peers at WVC.

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Lisa De Vera

Staff: Lisa De Vera

丽莎·德维拉管理着WVC服务中心,所有的打印和复印都在这里 the college takes place. She enjoys interacting with every department on a regular 为皇冠8868会员登录的教职员工提供优质的客户服务 Valley College.

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Beverly Jagla

Beverly Jagla

我们成长在一个有很多人影响我们生活的家庭中,这种情况并不多见. As 贝弗莉和我分享了是谁激励了她成长为一名出色的老师 is today till this day. For my interview project I was able to personally get to know a beautiful woman by the name of Beverly. Right from the get-go, I found her inspiring and optimistic. She was also very sweet. I had the pleasure to share her narrative. 

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Don Gurnard

Don Gurnard

The 1900’s was a century were a lot happened both good and bad. But some of the good 活动是人们面对面的互动,很棒的音乐,人们 我很努力,有很多舞蹈,还有许多其他令人愉快的练习,唐纳德·格纳德, 一位六十五岁,二十世纪中期出生的老人和我分享了他的生活和 experiences were like throughout his early years. He lived his childhood and adolescence during the years when there was a lot of problems in the world. The world and country 我们正在经历一场艰难的危机,但他设法过着快乐的生活 礼貌,努力工作,探索生活,直到今天还在继续这样做.

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Adrian Carrillo

Student: Adrian Carrillo

奥马克皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院的学生阿德里安·卡里略正在追求他的目标 make a meaningful impact on the older generation and their families.

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Ellen Ferrell

Ellen Ferrell

Ellen Ferrell is the Director of Admin Affairs in the WVC Student Senate. Ellen’s 坚持不懈和愿意“被推出她的舒适区”已经得到了回报 in developing her leadership skills.

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Nikolai Kosta

Nikolai Kostka

Nikolai Kostka是立法和校园活动主任,喜欢分享 讲述了他从一个害羞、孤僻的青少年到一个自信、外向的大学生的转变 student. 用他的话来说,“在这里,你可以参与到很多事情中来 some amazing people while you are at it."

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Luz Estrada

Luz Estrada

Luz Esbeidy Estrada是WVC参议院主席和QSA副总裁. Luz致力于帮助他人在安全的社区中找到自己的声音 WVC and beyond.

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Rylei Franks

Student: Rylei Franks

赖雷·弗兰克斯说,他正在寻找一份能让他安定下来的职业 and have a family. After his first year in the nursing program at WVC, he said this might be it. 

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Elizabeth Ferrell

Elizabeth Ferrell

Elizabeth Ferrell目前担任WVC的健康和保健总监 Student Senate. 她对高等教育的热情和她积极的决心 change in the world is inspiring.

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Lynn Mutschler

Lynn Mutschler

在做了近40年的护士之后,林恩·穆茨勒(Lynn Mutschler)又回到了学校,开始了她的护理生涯 Wenatchee Valley College. She received her associate in nursing from Tacoma Community College and is now pursuing a Bachelor in Nursing degree from WVC.

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