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卢皮布里托 attended 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 2017-2019.   她graduated with Associate of Arts and Sciences and an Associate of 公共汽车iness in 2019. 

Why did you choose WVC?

Being a first-generation Latina and coming from a low-income family, attending college was going to be a financial hardship. I was between 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College and attending a four-year university like Washington State University. At the time, I was unsure of what field of study I wanted to pursue, so financially, the best decision was to stay at community college and transfer after. WVC was a great choice to get my prerequisites out of the way and figure out what I wanted to study. In 2019, I graduated with my Associate of Arts and Sciences and an Associate of 公共汽车iness. From there, I transferred to WSU, graduated in 2021 with a bachelor's degree, and even better with $0 in student 债务.

What is your fondest memory of your time at WVC?

I have many fond memories of my time at WVC, so it's hard to pick. If I had to narrow it down to two, it would be 营 and studying abroad in Costa Rica.

营 was beneficial in navigating my first year of college. 营 allowed me to open myself to new experiences, network with people, and make new friends. 在我第一次 year in college and 营, I became a mentor. I enjoyed being able to help incoming students navigate through their first year of college in the same way I was helped.

2018, I received a month-long scholarship to study abroad in Costa Rica. 这是一个 experience I will never forget, and I'm grateful for it. This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone as I traveled alone to a new country.

What are you doing now (i.e., career, community boards, etc.)?

I am currently the Development Director for the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 基金会. I manage annual giving, alumni relations, and business relations for the 基金会. I am excited to be back at my alma mater, where I can contribute to the 基金会's growth and help serve our students and community. Fun fact: As a student at WVC, as part of a class assignment, I job shadowed Brenda Galvan, WVC基金会 accountant, and now I get to work with her! It's a full-circle moment.

How did WVC prepare you for the future?

WVC prepared me with the necessary resources to complete my Associate of Arts and Sciences and Associate of 公共汽车iness and excel at a four-year university. 来自导师 to academic advising to studying abroad, WVC set me up for success. 教师 like Yuritzi Lozano helped me navigate my first year of college, and faculty like Maria Navarette encouraged me and helped me apply for a study abroad scholarship. WVC有教职工 who genuinely care about the success of their students, and I'm grateful to now form 其中的一部分.

Any advice for current WVC students?

My advice would be to get involved on campus. Whether it's through student clubs, attending campus events, volunteering, etc., you never know who you'll connect with. Don't be afraid to try something new and step out of your comfort zone! 大胆一点 ask for help, as many have been in the same position and are willing to help.