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请注意: As of the publication of the 2019-2020 academic catalog, Bachelor of Applied Science-数据分析 is not yet available to students. 课程 requirements to complete the degree are still under development, and pre-enrollment and general education requirements listed here are the recommended courses to prepare for the degree as of August 2019.

Pre-enrollment requirements Program outcomes

The 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College BAS-DA Degree Program aims to prepare students to enter the workforce with a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in 数据分析. 毕业生 will be prepared to find jobs in a variety of industries particular to North Central 华盛顿.

As an emerging field, 数据分析 refers to collecting, identifying and interpreting both qualitative and quantitative data. This data can be used to inform industry related to productivity or other business decisions as well as inform researchers seeking to support or argue against theories and hypotheses. The BAS-DA program at WVC aims to equip graduates with a broad depth of knowledge. This knowledge will be transformative for students, including topics such as applied statistics, management science, study design, modeling in discrete- or continuous-time, sampling methods, forecasting, machine learning, and current trends in business intelligence tools. All coursework has grown directly from conversations with local business partners.

WVC’s Associate in Technical Science Degree program in Computer Technology is one feeder program into the BAS-DA degree. If students are interested in the BAS-DA degree, they are advised to enroll in the pre-calculus math sequence during their two-year program of study, as well as CSC 110. 学生 need to be ready for upper division course work in math and science when they begin the BAS-DA degree.

学生 pursuing an Associate of Technical Science Degree (ATS) in Computer Technology (Network 政府) will be able to significantly broaden their skillset by following a specific pathway to the BAS-DA. Having the BAS-DA in addition to the ATS can provide graduates with well-rounded knowledge and expertise in both computer hardware and 数据分析.