


这一政策适用于所有皇冠8868会员登录谷学院的分类员工谁不是 以集体谈判协议为准.

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College will adhere to the Washington state Compensation 计划 as 由华盛顿州财务管理办公室制定的 薪资范围见 WAC 357 - 28 and all other applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

学院 is committed to the fair and equitable treatment of classified staff, 尤其是在薪酬问题上. 这一政策的目标及其配套 程序是提供内部一致和合规的薪酬管理 plan for 工资 placement and movement of non-represented classified staff.

This 工资 determination policy and accompanying procedure is subject to approval by the director of the department of personnel to include the minimum requirements 根据 WAC 357 - 28-035.

Approved by the director of the department of personnel: tentative approval 5/09
从550重新编号.070 and approved by the president’s cabinet 8/2/11

1540.050 分类(无代表)薪金决定 过程


本程序适用于所有皇冠8868会员登录谷学院的分类雇员 不受劳资协议的约束.

A. 设定新员工基本工资

  1. 学院 shall assign a base 工资 for initial appointments within the 工资 在华盛顿州的薪酬中分配给该职位分类的范围 计划. The initial base 工资 offered shall not be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum dollar amount within the pay 范围 assigned to the classification.
  2. 确定该职位在指定薪酬范围内的初始基本工资 分类时,学院可能会考虑招聘和留用问题,进行教育 背景和相关工作经验与能力和要求相关 位置的.

B. 在职员工基本工资的变化

  1. 定期增值日期(Wac 357-28-050 - 095)
    学院将按照规定执行周期增薪日的生效日期 《华盛顿行政法典. 除非经本程序修改,雇员 will receive a two-step increase to the base 工资 on the periodic increment date until the employee reaches step L of the 工资 范围.

    All employees will progress to step M six years after being assigned to step L in 他们的固定薪酬范围. 学院 may increase an employee’s step to step M to address issues related to recruitment, retention or other 业务需求.

  2. 推广(WAC 357 - 28-110)
    1. 晋升到一个职位的员工,其职位范围比班级高不到15% 比前一类的工资幅度最高将提前一个台阶 新班级的范围比宣传前高出近5% 工资,不要超过M步的范围.
    2. 晋升到一个班级的职位,其范围为15%或更高 比前一类的工资幅度最高将提前一个台阶 新职位的薪酬范围是比原职位的薪酬高出近10% pre-promotional step, not to exceed step M of the 范围.
    3. 学院 may authorize more than the step increases specified in Subsections a 和b以上如果:职责和责任显著增加,则 增加是必要的内部薪酬调整,招聘,保留,或其他 业务需求.
  3. 重新分配(WAC 357 - 28 - 115120)
    1. 被重新分配到薪水更高的班级的员工 范围必须在新的范围内前进一步,最接近高出5% 比促销前的金额多一步,或到新范围的入门步骤, 取较高者.
    2. 被重新分配到工资相等的班级的员工 范围最大值保留他或她以前的基本工资,或晋升到入职步骤 在新的范围内,以较高者为准.
    3. 被重新分配到工资较低的班级的员工 范围 must be placed within the new 工资 范围 at an amount equal to his or her current base 工资 provided it is within the 工资 范围 of the new position. In those cases where the employee’s current 工资 exceeds the maximum amount of the 工资 范围 for the new position, the employee will be compensated at the 工资 他或她在重新分配之前收到,直到员工离职 the position or his or her 工资 falls within the new 工资 范围.

      根据… WAC 357 - 28-110, the college may authorize more than the step increases specified in Subsections 上述A和b .
  4. 裁员(WAC 357 - 28-135)
    1. 如果员工接受了在当前工资范围内的另一份工作,他/她就会接受 保留他/她目前的基本工资.
    2. 接受降职代替裁员或接受裁员选择的员工 薪资范围较低的职位将获得与其当前职位相同的薪酬 base 工资, provided it is within the 工资 范围 of the new position. 在那些 员工当前基本工资超过工资最高限额的情况 在新职位范围内,员工将按最高工资标准获得补偿 在新的工资范围内.
    3. 从内部或全州范围内的裁员名单中被任命到某个职位的员工 在相同的工资范围内,他们将被解雇的金额支付 他们被解雇时得到了什么补偿.
    4. 从内部或全州范围内的裁员名单中被任命到某个职位的员工 with a lower 工资 范围 than the position from which they were laid off will be paid an amount equal to the 工资 they were receiving at the time they were laid off provided it is within the 工资 范围 of the new position. 在这些情况下 the employee’s prior 工资 exceeds the maximum amount of the 工资 范围 for the 新入职的员工,将按新工资的最高工资标准给予补偿 范围.
  5. 传输(357-28-140)
    调动被定义为员工发起的员工从一个职位的移动 到学院内的另一个位置在同一个班级或不同的班级 相同的工资范围. Transferred employees will retain their current base 工资. If the previous base 工资 exceeds the new 范围 maximum, the employee’s base 工资 将被设置为等于新的范围最大值.
  6. 重新分配(WAC 357 - 28-145)
    重新分配被定义为由雇主发起的员工在大学内部的调动 from one position to another in the same class or a different class with the same 最高薪酬范围. Upon reassignment, an employee retains his or her current base 工资.
  7. 回复(WAC 357 - 28-150)
    返工被定义为雇员在工作期间自愿或非自愿的迁移 试用期为雇员最近担任的固定职位 status, or movement to a class in the same or lower 工资 范围. 回归后, the base 工资 the employee was receiving prior to promotion will be reinstated.
  8. 降级(WAC 357 - 28-155)
    An employee who voluntarily demotes to another position with a lower 工资 范围 最大将被安置在新的范围内,工资等于他或她以前的基本工资 工资. If the previous base 工资 exceeds the new 范围, the employee’s base 工资 将被设置为等于新的范围最大值.
  9. 立面图(WAC 357 - 28-160)
    提升定义为将员工恢复到更高的级别,具有永久性 在被降级或降至两者之间的阶层之前所保持的地位 the current class and the class from which the employee was demoted. 海拔高度, 员工的工资将以与晋升相同的方式确定 在B部分.2,以上.
  10. 回调(WAC 357 - 28-185)
    1. When an overtime-eligible employee has left the institution grounds and is called 在正常工作时间以外返回工作地点处理紧急情况 situations that could not be anticipated, he or she will receive two hours penalty 工资加时间确实有效. 违约金将在正常情况下予以补偿 rate; time worked will be in paid in accordance with WAC 357 - 28-255.
    2. 符合加班费条件的雇员在正常班次之前的工作时间 不构成回调,只要工作时间不超过两小时或通知 至少有八小时的时间.
    3. 在下列情况下,领取备用工资的员工无权领取回调罚款 离开工作地点后被要求返回工作岗位或被指示向上级报告 duty prior to the starting time of his or her new scheduled work shift.
  11. 轮班保费(WAC 357 - 28-190)
    1. For full-time, overtime-eligible employees, a shift 溢价 rate, as specified in the department of personnel’s compensation plan, must be paid for those employees 被分配到每天或每周工作的大部分时间介于两者之间的班次 6:00 p.m. 早上6点.m. or is scheduled to work a shift which is split with a minimum 中间四小时不工作.
    2. 轮班保险费将支付整个每日或每周轮班,符合以下条件 本节. These employees are also entitled to shift 溢价 for all hours that 该员工在与该班次相邻的地方工作.
    3. Shift 溢价 may be paid at a monthly rate as specified in the compensation plan for full time employees regularly assigned to a qualifying shift.
    4. 在法定的带薪休假和节假日期间支付轮班保险费 不符合轮班条件的临时轮班最多5天 溢价.
    5. 员工 may waive shift 溢价 in advance of earning. 请求放弃 shift 溢价 must be in writing and filed with the human resources office.
  12. 假期补薪(WAC 357 - 28-200)
    在WVC指定假日加班的员工必须 领取他们假期的正常工资. 此外,员工应收到 溢价 pay at the overtime rate for all hours worked on the holiday. 学院 may offer compensatory time off in lieu of monetary payment.
  13. 备用工资(WAC 357 - 28-205)
    符合加班条件的员工需立即限制下班活动 在待机状态下所花费的时间,必须按比率予以补偿 specified in the state human resources  compensation plan.

Approved by the director of personnel: tentative approval 5/09
从1550年开始重新编号.070 and approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/2/11
Revised and approved by the president's cabinet: 5/23/23

540.050 分类(无代表)薪金决定 政策