
Violence in the Workplace


皇冠8868会员登录谷学院致力于提供一个安全,健康的工作场所 is as free as possible from intimidation, threats of violence or acts of violence.

恐吓:对另一个人的故意行为,导致另一个人 reasonably fear for his/her safety or the safety of others.

暴力威胁:威胁对他人造成身体伤害的故意行为 or damage to the property of another.

暴力行为:故意对他人造成身体伤害的行为,无论伤害多么轻微 person or damage to the property of another.

学院禁止恐吓行为以及实际或威胁的暴力行为 针对同事,学生,访客,或任何其他在校园的人 or have contact with college employees in the course of their duties. 禁止的 行为包括干扰个人合法行动权利的行为, 或者表达,扰乱工作场所,学术环境或大学的能力 to provide service to the public.

恐吓、暴力或威胁行为可以包括口头或书面的身体行为 声明、骚扰邮件、骚扰电话、手势和表情 or behaviors such as stalking.

从事恐吓、威胁或暴力行为的员工可能会被解雇 从处所,并可能受到解雇或其他纪律处分,逮捕 and/or criminal prosecution. 学生 committing such behaviors on college property will be subject to disciplinary action as described in the student handbook. 游客 在学校财产上做出这样的行为可能会被禁止进入校园,并构成犯罪 可提出控罪.

工作场所的暴力包括侵入工作场所的关系暴力, endangering a person in the relationship or others in the workplace. 的关系 暴力是指家庭在身体、性和/或心理上的虐待行为 成员或约会伙伴用来建立和维持对另一个人的控制.

This policy applies to all 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College properties and work locations including offices, classrooms, work sites, vehicles, and field locations.

The college has established an accompanying procedure, 1500.450, which college employees 必须遵循报告工作场所的暴力事件,还是报告担忧 about situations that could become violent. These procedures have been created to ensure that incidents receive an appropriate and timely response.

Moved from old manual and approved by the board of trustees
Completely revised and approved by the president’s cabinet: 12/13/11
Approved by the board of trustees: 2/15/12
政策 contact: 人力资源

Related policies and procedures
1500.450 Violence in the Workplace 过程


安全 and safety in the workplace require the cooperation of every employee. 任何 皇冠8868会员登录谷学院(WVC)员工,作为嫌疑人的主体或证人 违反 of the violence in the workplace policy is strongly encouraged to report the 违反 to the next-in-line supervisor who is not a party to the 违反. 任何紧急情况,察觉到的紧急情况,或涉嫌犯罪行为应立即 reported to law enforcement.


To report an urgent or direct threat where there is actual violent behavior, or it 看来很可能会发生暴力行为,比如口角 that appears to be escalating.

步骤1: Call 911 (emergency/law enforcement agencies) and 6911 (campus security).

步骤2: Once you are safe, alert your supervisor to the situation.

步骤3: The employee will fill out an incident report form as soon as practical and submit it to the vice president of administrative 服务.


报告一个正在出现的或潜在的威胁,你认为这种情况有可能发生 for becoming violent over time because it exhibits one or more violence 警告标志 (also see Section D below).

步骤1: If it is an immediate concern and you feel unsafe call security at 6911 and alert your supervisor to the situation.

步骤2: If it is not an immediate concern, alert your supervisor and your supervisor will, 根据威胁的严重程度,拨打校园保安(6911)和当地 law enforcement agencies (911) and/or initiate an investigation of the allegation. 主管也会尽快通知任何受到威胁影响的员工 after notification that a threat has been made.

步骤3: 主管将尽快填写事故报告表并提交 it to the vice president of administrative 服务. The supervisor may also request that you complete an incident report form.


步骤1: Alert the next in-line supervisor. Keep information the employee has shared confidential, except for the reporting requirements above.

步骤2: Encourage the individual to seek additional assistance. Provide the employee with 大学辅导员、人力资源或其他适当资源的电话号码, and give the employee a private place to make the phone call.

D. 警告标志

There is no exact method to predict when a person will become violent. 一个或多个 of these 警告标志 may be displayed before a person becomes violent, but they do not necessarily indicate that an individual will become violent. 这些内容的展示 signs should trigger concern as they are usually exhibited by people experiencing 问题.

  1. Verbal, nonverbal, or written threats - or intimidation, explicit or subtle.
  2. Fascination with weaponry and/or acts of violence – carrying a concealed weapon.
  3. Expression of a plan to hurt self/others.
  4. Feelings of persecution, expressed distrust, especially with management.
  5. Fear reaction to employee among coworkers/clients.
  6. Expression of extreme desperation over family, financial or personal 问题.
  7. Frequent interpersonal conflicts.
  8. Unable to take criticism of job performance.
  9. Displays of unwarranted anger.
  10. Moral righteousness – believing the organization is not following its rules.
  11. Violence toward inanimate objects.
  12. Sabotaging projects, computer programs or equipment.
  13. Holding a grudge against a specific person; verbalizing a hope that something will 发生在他/她身上.

强烈建议那些看到这些警告信号的人通知他们的主管. 鼓励经理和主管与他们的下一位直属主管协商, college counselors or human resources to attempt to prevent a difficult situation from escalating into violence.

另一种类型的职场暴力可能发生在一个人变得浪漫的时候 obsessed with someone who does not reciprocate the romantic feelings. 的困扰 是不理性的,主体对受害者试图设定的限制没有反应 or to end the attachment. Obsessed individuals may be a threat to the safety of the individual with whom they are obsessed. 任何one who believes they are being stalked or are the object of an obsessive attachment should call the police.


下面的冲突解决策略可能有助于缓和局势 where an individual is exhibiting threatening or intimidating behavior:

  1. Project calmness, move and speak slowly, quietly and confidently.
  2. Encourage the person to talk; listen closely and patiently.
  3. Maintain a relaxed but attentive posture.
  4. Position yourself at an angle to the person rather than directly in front.
  5. Arrange yourself so your access to emergency exists is not blocked.
  6. Acknowledge the person’s feelings.
  7. 要求一些小的、具体的帮助,比如让对方搬到一个更安静的地方, 或者搬到外面去.
  8. 使用延迟策略让对方有时间冷静下来,比如请对方喝一杯 of water (in a paper, light plastic or Styrofoam cup).
  9. Point out choices, break big 问题 into smaller ones.
  10. Avoid sudden movements and maintain 3-6 foot distance.
  11. Call the police and campus security when it is safe to do so.


Orders for victim protection include the following types of court orders:

  1. 保护令.
  2. 无接触指令.
  3. 禁令.
  4. 反骚扰秩序.

任何申请了受害者保护令并把学校作为住所的人, school or workplace or other protected area will:

步骤1: Immediately provide a copy of the order to campus security and the vice-president of administrative 服务 and discuss the specific details of the order.

步骤2: Alert their supervisor regarding the order for victim protection.

如学院认为有必要,书面通知限制进入学院 campus may be issued to the perpetrator. When it is necessary for an individual who 已被限制离开校园进入学院财产,学院会通知吗 受影响员工的存在,以及受到限制的个人 will be accompanied by a college staff member while on campus. 万一 被限制进入的个人无权进入校园和学院 shall immediately notify campus security and local law enforcement agencies.

G. 责任

  1. Employee Responsibilities
    All WVC employees are required to adhere to the violence in the workplace policy. 协助和配合是每一位华威员工的责任 workplace as safe and secure as possible.
    1. 任何 conduct or “jokes” which involve intimidation and/or threats are inappropriate and will be taken seriously.
    2. 强烈鼓励员工举报任何察觉到的违反暴力行为 in the workplace policy to their next-in-line supervisor who is not a party to the 违反. No employee shall be subjected to criticism, reprisal, retaliation or disciplinary action for good faith reporting of intimidation, threats or acts of violence.
    3. 遭受或目击可能的暴力侵害的雇员 在工作场所,管理人员可能会要求政策来记录他们的经验 or observations in order to facilitate the handling of the situation.
    4. 雇员必须向他们的主管报告受害者保护命令 campus security when those orders affect the workplace.
  2. Supervisor/Management Responsibilities
    All WVC supervisor/management employees are required to adhere to the violence in 工作场所的政策,并确保他们管理的人都知道和负责 for adhering to the policy.

主管在确保WVC安全可靠的工作环境方面起着至关重要的作用 通过适当的培训减少员工工作场所暴力的可能性 持续使用健全的监管措施并及时进行纠正 必要时采取行动. Adherence to WVC policies, procedures, workplace rules and regulations, documentation of employee performance 问题, appropriate training in identifying early 警告标志, appropriate workplace conduct, and/or conflict resolution will greatly assist in the prevention of potential workplace violence.

The issues surrounding employee workplace violence can be complex and difficult to 评估. Therefore, supervisors are encouraged to consult with available WVC resources 包括,但不限于,校园保安,人力资源工作人员,和咨询 服务. Consultation with these resources will greatly assist in identifying intervention strategies that may minimize or avert potentially violent situations. 这种干预(s) 可能包括:

  1. Supervisory action to address performance 问题 and inappropriate conduct.
  2. Corrective action or dismissal.
  3. Professional employee counseling through available referral 服务.
  4. Medical and/or psychological evaluation to determine fitness for duty.
    所有监督员都有责任报告他们的调查结果 把涉嫌违反工作场所暴力政策的人交给他们的下一个下属 并咨询他们的下一个皇冠8868会员登录主管,校园辅导员,人类 resources or other resources, on potential employee workplace violence situations 适当的.

Supervisors shall document all 违反s of the violence in the workplace policy in order that appropriate corrective action can be administered.

Supervisor/management will follow up with law enforcement as deemed appropriate.


学院将在入职培训期间与每位员工讨论学院的政策 and procedure on violence in the workplace as well as the college’s procedure for harassment and discrimination complaints. The college will keep employees informed about workplace violence through ongoing training.

Revised and approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/1/07, 12/13/11
Presented to the board of trustees: 10/17/07, 1/18/12
过程 contact: 人力资源

Related policies, procedures and resources
500.450 Violence in the Workplace 政策
1000.350 Complaint 过程 for 歧视 and Harassment
Workplace Violence Checklist