


To the extent that this policy addresses terms or provisions covered under collective bargaining agreements for represented employees, the terms of the collective bargaining agreement will control for those represented classified employees.


WAC 357-16 allows employers the authority and discretion to carry out activities related to recruitment, applicant assessment, the creation of applicant pools and in determining the number 为职位空缺而认证的姓名. 这个过程满足要求 所有机构都要制定认证程序 WAC 357-16-120 and examination review and/or removal from an applicant pool per WAC 357-16-177.


In consultation with human resources, the hiring official will identify position-specific education, experience and competencies prior to posting a position vacancy. Prior to closing the announcement, the hiring official in consultation with human resources will assess and determine whether there are a sufficient number of qualified applicants 在申请人群体中. Wenatchee Valley College will consider all applicants who meet 职位的能力和要求.

C.  需核证的名称数目 (WAC 357-16-120)

Our needs as an employer are best served by not establishing a uniform limit on the 经核证填补空缺的姓名数目. 所有符合条件的申请人 the competencies and other position requirements will be certified 根据… 有关核证姓名次序的规则.

After certification, additional screening methodologies may be used to reduce the size of the applicant pool and will be based on the job related competencies and requirements 对于这个职位(WAC 357-16-075). Screening methodologies may include, but are not limited to, a review of applications or resumes, pass/fail skill tests and supplemental examinations (WAC 357-16-070).

D.  核证姓名次序 (WAC 357-16-130)

Only eligible applicants who satisfy the competencies and other position requirements 所要填补的职位将被认证. 姓名认证的顺序 确定如下:

  1. All eligible applicants on the internal layoff list are certified to the employing official.
  2. If there are no names on the internal layoff list the college will certify:
    1. 全州裁员名单上的所有申请人;
    2. All internal promotional applicants, as defined in college’s promotional policy; and
    3. 所有其他合资格申请人.

Employees who have completed an approved training program and who meet the competencies and other position requirements may also be referred to the employing official.

E.   针对平权法案的补充证明 (357-16-135, 140)

The college is committed to recruiting broadly for qualified applicants. Because all applicants who meet the competencies and other position requirements for a position are certified, no supplemental names will need to be added to the certified pool. However, should the pool of applicants reflect a small number of names, the hiring department will have the option to continue to recruit to enlarge the applicant pool.

F.   资深的偏好 (WAC 357-16-110)

If a scored examination is used prior to certification, additional points will be 加上符合资格的老兵的分数按照 RCW 41.04.010. If there is no scored examination administered prior to certification, the individuals identified in WAC 357-16-110 will be referred as part of the certified pool, to the employing official, as long as the individual satisfies the competencies and other position requirements.

G.  从池中删除名称 (WAC 357-16-155, 160)

The college may remove an eligible applicant’s name from a certified pool for “good 和充分理由. 申请人将获书面通知被除名 并给出了移除的原因. 通知将包括申请人的 要求复核搬迁的权利. 书面通知可以使用替代方式提供 methods such as e-mail, campus mail, the state mail service or commercial parcel delivery 根据… WAC 357-04-105.

Per WAC 357-16-115 and WAC 357-16-157, the above does not apply to applicants who are declined for further consideration during the assessment process for job-related reasons or names removed as a result 申请人被任命到一个职位的照片.

H.  要求覆核程序 (WAC 357-16-170, 175)

An applicant may request a review of their examination results or the removal of their name from an applicant pool when the removal is due to good and sufficient reason 根据 WAC 357-16-155,请与人力资源办公室联系. 必须收到审查请求 by the human resource office within 20 calendar days following notice of the action 要求进行审查的. 当收到审核请求时,审核 will be assigned to a human resource representative who was not involved in the action under review. Per WAC 357-16-180, review decisions are final and not subject to further review or appeal.

I.    为将来的空缺提供资金池

Once an applicant pool has been established, it may be certified for other significantly similar vacancies that occur in the future, generally no more or less than three months 自初始认证日期起. 不得使用任何申请人组合来填补空缺 are not determined significantly similar by the chief human 资源官员或其指定人员. An applicant pool can be cancelled or extended at the discretion of the chief human 资源官员或其指定人员.

J.   无证再就业 (WAC 357-19-455, 460)

The college may directly reemploy without certification former permanent status employees who have submitted an application for employment as long as there are no eligible applicants on either the internal or statewide layoff lists and the former employee satisfies the competencies and other requirements of the position to which the employee 正在重新就业. 再就业之前,皇冠8868会员登录谷学院前者 permanent employee must submit an application for reemployment and other documents 学院在申请时要求. 皇冠8868会员登录谷学院有 申请再就业没有期限的.

K.  残疾分离申请人 (WAC 357-19-470)

Former permanent employees of Wenatchee Valley College who were disability separated and are eligible for reemployment will be treated as internal promotional applicants for certification purposes for up to two years from the date of separation in accordance with WAC 357-19-465, 470, 475 and 480.


1540.020 分类招聘及评估程序
540.030 分类促销政策