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Classified Recruitment & 评估


在某种程度上,本政策涉及的条款或条款涵盖的集体 代表雇员的谈判协议,集体谈判的条款 agreement will control for those represented classified employees.

A. 目的

皇冠8868会员登录谷学院致力于招聘和评估过程 培养优秀的员工,不断提高各方面的大学使命 and operations. This 过程 is one tool to use in conjunction with the college’s 促销政策,认证政策和程序,以及适用的联邦和 州法律、Chapter 357 WACs以及其他董事会政策和大学运作程序.


学院有责任继续树立机会平等的榜样 practices and to conduct outreach where analysis of current employment shows under representation of historically disadvantaged populations. 的 principles of equal 就业和非歧视被纳入这一程序和人类 resources office (hereafter called human resources) shall have responsibility for monitoring compliance.


  1. 过程
    学院的首席人力资源官或指定人员负责管理 the classified staff 招聘 and assessment process.
  2. Position Approval
    招聘主管应得到适当的内部批准 预算,职位分配,职位职能和人员配置审批 招聘. A personal action form (PAF) must be submitted, approved and received by human resources prior to 招聘.
  3. Position Description
    在招聘机密职位之前,招聘主管必须提交一份准确的、 updated position description to human resources for review and approval. Human resources 是否会对职位描述进行评审,以确保职位是合适的 分配.


  1. 人力资源总监或其指定人员有权终止 or extend 招聘 as determined appropriate or necessary to ensure achievement of policy and procedural integrity.
  2. 在发布招聘公告之前,招聘主管负责协调招聘工作 process with human resources. 招聘 supervisor and human resources consider the 能力和特定职位的要求,以确保最 effective, efficient, and useful method of 招聘 for the position.
  3. 在适当的情况下,学院将确定和利用目标招聘资源 招聘具有专业技能的申请人来填补需要这些技能的职位 skills to perform the minimum competencies of the position.
  4. 使用补充申请(考试)和面试和选拔的选项 是否会尽快由人力资源人员与主管讨论 as possible after a 招聘 need is identified.
  5. 在考虑合适的招聘策略时,学院首先会考虑 utilization of historically disadvantaged populations, required competencies, the 这些能力在学院现有劳动力中的可用性,以及 need for diversity of experience, knowledge and skills. Following consideration, one or more of the following 招聘 strategies, as determined appropriate by the chief human resources officer or designee shall be utilized:
    1. Promotional: 招聘 limited to the identified promotional unit in accordance with the classified promotional policy.
    2. 公开竞争:招聘面向所有符合条件的内部和外部候选人 to the college.
  6. Promotional 招聘s that fail to produce candidates that either the screening committee or the president or designee consider capable of executing the assigned duties will then be recruited as open competitive. This decision is binding and not subject to review.


根据职位的不同,可能会有大量的申请人 a previous 招聘. To receive applicants from a pool, the hiring supervisor must 遵循上述职位审批和职位描述要求. 人力资源部将根据学院的认证对申请人进行认证 过程.


如果没有可用的申请人,招聘主管将与人力资源部门合作 to create a job announcement. For promotional (may include transfer and voluntary 降职)招聘时,人力资源部将通过电子邮件将招聘启事发送给符合条件的人 WVC classified employees. For open-competitive 招聘s, human resources will post the job announcement on the college’s jobs website. All 招聘s will be open for a minimum of 10 calendar days.


  1. 人力资源办公室负责协助主管进行发展 and/or review of assessment methods.
  2. 所有就业前评估,包括但不限于书面或口头练习, 笔试或口试,以及口头小组面试,必须以工作相关为基础 competencies required to perform the position successfully. Pre-employment assessments must be administered uniformly unless a reasonable accommodation is requested and 授予. A person with a visible disability, which might interfere with his/her ability 为了完成这项工作,可能会要求他/她展示如何完成具体的、与工作相关的工作 任务(WAC 357-16-085).
  3. 的 human resources office is responsible for the coordination and preparation of reasonable accommodation needs for applicants requesting assistance (WAC 357-16-090).
  4. 根据主管的要求,员工必须被释放参加州 of Washington assessment and interview processes (WAC 357-16-105).


  1. 的 chief human resources officer or designee will screen applications against the 职位的最低能力,以确保只有那些候选人符合最低要求 competencies are forwarded for consideration to the screening committee.
  2. 所有的筛选方法必须基于职位所要求的能力 可能包括但不限于,看简历,面试应聘者, utilizing supplemental applications (exams) and/or written or oral exercises. 筛选 标准将在适当和与工作相关的情况下事先由 the human resources office.
  3. 分类审查委员会将由一名主席和其他主题组成 experts, with specific representation appropriate to the position vacancy. 招聘 supervisor shall make committee appointments and may serve as committee chair. 尝试 will be made to ensure gender and racial diversity of the committee.
  4. 的 screening committee will be advised by a representative of the human resources 办公室关于全面,专业的筛选程序,流程和协议.
  5. 所有的冲突或潜在的冲突必须在审查委员会之前披露 consideration of candidates. 的 human resources representative will determine whether 冲突或潜在冲突使委员会成员丧失参加的资格 in any of the steps of the screening process.
  6. 筛选 committee members are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of all information made available or produced during the screening process. 在接受 委员会成员,每个成员都有责任保护候选人的名字 现状,委员会评估的结果,委员会审议的内容. Violations will be cause for removal from the screening committee and potentially termination of the screening process for that position.
  7. 的 college may decline further consideration of an applicant at any point in the process for not meeting the established competencies or not being able to satisfy other requirements such as shift or geographic availability.

I. 面试

  1. Once human resources releases a candidate pool, the hiring supervisor reviews and considers the applicants for the position. 招聘 supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the hiring process is fair and objective.
  2. 所有的面试过程和方法都要与面试官进行讨论、审查和实施 assistance of the human resources office.
  3. 招聘 supervisor and human resources will coordinate and schedule interviews for those candidates considered most qualified for the position.


  1. 招聘 supervisor and interview committee members determine the candidate who Best符合完成推荐信和背景调查的要求 on and to be recommended to the president to fill the vacancy. 的 committee can ask that references be done on more than one applicant.
  2. Human resources will coordinate reference and background checks as needed. 的 reference and background checks may include but is not limited to:
    1. 应用程序.
    2. 工作经历.
    3. 教育.
    4. Qualifications.
    5. 经验.
    6. 参考文献.
    7. Criminal history.

      招聘主管可以查阅在职或曾经工作过的应聘者的个人档案 at the college and are under consideration for the departmental vacancy.

  3. 背景调查完成后,首席人力资源官或指定人员, on behalf of the committee, makes an appointment recommendation to the president. 校长保留对申请人进行进一步评估和考虑的权利 additional information. Other than former permanent status employees who have applied for reemployment per WAC 357-19-455, 460,招聘主管和总裁都不能认为没有转发的申请人 for consideration under this 过程.
  4. 经总裁批准,首席人力资源官或其指定人员可以 make a binding offer of employment to an applicant. This offer is conditional pending receipt of an acceptable pre-employment criminal history background check. 没有其他的 types of offers will be recognized as binding upon the college. 的 human resources office shall notify the screening committee of any accepted offer of employment. 的 首席人力资源官或指定人员将通知面试的候选人 not selected for the position.


Human resources will notify each eligible applicant that applied for the position of the status of the position (i.e., filled, on hold, readvertised).

Human resources will provide a letter signed by the chief human resources officer or designee confirming the appointment to the candidate who has been extended and accepted an offer of employment.


的 human resources office is to maintain all 招聘 documents (e.g.、面试 questions, notes) in accordance with approved records retention schedules.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/2/11
Presented to the board of trustees: 9/14/11
Last reviewed: 5/20/23
过程 contact: Human 资源

Related policies and 过程s
500.125 Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Policy
540.030 Classified Promotional Policy
1540.040 Classified Certification 过程