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Third Party Data Request


A. 一般实践

As a matter of college practice, 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College (WVC) does not participate in third party surveys, data or information requests. These requests, if honored, are expensive to the college in terms of time and resources required to provide the information, with little or no benefit accrued to the college.

Also, as a matter of procedure and to protect the college, all surveys, data collections and research projects that are conducted outside of course instruction must be cleared through the college’s institutional review board process.

Sometimes, these requests can be legitimate requests for existing public documents. If college staff are unsure if a request might fall into this category, they should contact the public records officer.

B. 定义

Third parties, in this context, are any person, institution or entity not associated with the college that does not have a governance or regulatory role to WVC or does not have some type contractual or reciprocation agreement with WVC.

If college staff are uncertain if a request received is from a third party, they should contact their supervisor or the institutional effectiveness department for clarification.


When a request is received, it is best to respond in the following or similar manner:

We would like to inform you that 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College (WVC) does not participate in general surveys or general data collections about the college unless:

  1. It is required by U.S. federal law or regulation.
  2. It is required by Washington state law or regulation.
  3. Participation has been requested by the State Board for Community & Technical Colleges of Washington (SBCTC).
  4. Some collaboration or reciprocity agreement has been entered into with WVC by those requesting the information.

In addition, all general surveys or data collections requests must be reviewed and approved by WVC’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).

For existing document requests that fall under Washington state's public records request laws and policies, please contact the public records officer.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 11/21/17, 5/7/20
Presented to the board of trustees: 11/29/17, 5/20/20
Last reviewed: 5/7/20
过程 contact: Institutional Effectiveness

Related policies and procedures
300.330 Use of Human Subjects in Instructional Activities Policy
1000.250 Protection of Human Subjects 过程
1000.255 调查过程
1300.330 Use of Human Subjects in Instructional Activities 过程
1600.205 Public 记录 Disclosure 过程