

300.330 .在教学活动政策中使用人文学科

It shall be the policy of the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College to recognize the responsibility for protecting the rights, wellbeing and privacy of individuals, assuring a favorable climate for the acquisition of technical skills and the conduct of academically oriented 调查和保护机构的利益. 这项政策针对的是课堂, laboratory and clinical activities such as those in the health professions and biological sciences where learning by students requires the use of human subjects as part of 示范或实验.

本政策及附带程序.330的目的是限制和规范 the use of students as human participants in such activities as training procedures, demonstrations and classroom experiments where students are exposed to risk.1

The use of human subjects in research studies conducted at WVC or involving WVC students 或者员工受政策000的约束.250,保护人类受试者.

1Risk means that as a consequence of participating in an activity, an individual may reasonably be expected to be exposed to the possibility of injury (physical and/or 心理),超越日常生活的普通风险.




A. 目的

The purpose of this procedure is to establish guidelines to meet the requirements 执行政策300.在教学活动中使用人类受试者.

These practices and procedures for the conduct of academic activities involving human subjects are established in an effort to balance the college’s responsibility to protect the rights of individuals, to assure a favorable climate for the acquisition of practical skills and the conduct of academically oriented inquiry, and to protect the interests 在大学里.

B. 书面协议和知情同意书

  1. Instructors whose curriculum indicates the use of human subjects in the classroom or lab in an activity that creates a risk, as defined below, must establish a written protocol and an informed consent form with their appropriate program coordinator/program 主任/系主任和教学主任.
  2. The protocol will include guidelines for student safety, consider universal precautions when appropriate, reflect WISHA and OSHA requirements, and delineate the criteria 以及报告事故的程序. 指导方针应假定涉及的风险 will be minimal and reasonable, document informed consent, assure appropriate safety 监控和充分保护个人隐私.

C. 审核批准

  1. No activity which requires a written protocol shall be initiated until it has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate program coordinator/program director, division 主席,教务长和副教务长.
  2. Before beginning an activity that requires written student consent, it is the responsibility of the instructor and appropriate instructional dean to submit to the vice president of instruction a description of the proposed activity and an informed consent form 审批事项.

D. 监督

All activities which use human subjects and require a written protocol shall be conducted under supervision of a faculty member and/or administrator who assumes the responsibility 进行经批准的活动.

E. 知情同意

学生 or others who act as human subjects in approved activities shall not do so 除非他们事先知情同意. 如果受试者未满年龄 of 18, written informed consent must be obtained from the parent or legal guardian 除非当事人被认定为已被解放的未成年人. 同意书应为 a free-will choice obtained from the subject, parent or legal guardian, without undue 诱导或任何约束或胁迫的因素. 信息的基本要素 同意之前的必要条件包括:

  1. Notification of the procedures to be followed, including a description of the attendant 风险和不适的主题. 当事人及/或父母或法定监护人 应有最多7天的时间考虑是否参加.
  2. A description of the benefits to be expected or the knowledge to be gained.
  3. 披露适当的替代程序(如有).
  4. An offer to answer any questions the subject or representative may have concerning 该活动.
  5. An instruction that the subject is free to withdraw his or her consent at any time unless the procedure is required of the student to master a critical competence.
  6. An assurance that the subject’s identity will remain confidential or a statement describing 可能作出的任何披露.

F.  学生项目和课程

学生 who are being considered as human subjects shall be informed of the procedures involving human subjects at a reasonable time at the beginning of the course or program.

  1. 学生 may withdraw from the course within a reasonable time after being notified 被要求参加他/她不喜欢的活动.
  2. 学生 must inform instructors within seven days of obtaining written consent of 他们拒绝参与.
  3. 学生 who do not give their consent to be a human subject may be given alternative 根据导师的判断来学习经验.
  4. 学生 who choose neither to participate as a human subject nor to accept an alternative activity approved by the instructor will be informed that they may not be able to 成功完成一些课程或项目.

G. 上诉

  1. 学生 who feel there is a conflict regarding the administration of the policy or this procedure with the instructor may appeal to the appropriate instructional dean.
  2. The instructional dean, in consultation with the instructor, will review the student’s concerns with the class and department’s requirements, and make appropriate adjustments 如果可能的话.
  3. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the matter is referred to the vice president 最后决定的指示.

H. 定义

风险: means that as a consequence of participating in an activity, an individual may reasonably be expected to be exposed to the possibility of injury (physical and/or psychological), 超越日常生活中的普通风险.

The use of human subjects in research studies conducted at WVC or involving WVC students 或者员工受政策000的约束.250,保护人类受试者.


CFR 46.116知情同意的一般要求