


A. 目的陈述书

皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院区是一个教育机构提供和维护 由华盛顿州的人民. 学院设施主要是预留的 for educational use, including, but not limited to, instruction, research, public 学院团体集会、学生活动及其他直接相关的活动 对学院的教育使命. 这所大学的公共性就是如此 not grant to individuals an unlimited license to engage in activity which limits, 干扰或以其他方式扰乱学院的正常活动 设施和场地是专用的. Accordingly, the college designates the common 学院领域作为一个有限的公共论坛,致力于利用学院团体; 受本协议规定的时间、地点和方式的限制和限制 policy. Groups or individuals who are invited or permitted to engage in first amendment 学院的活动不代表皇冠8868会员登录谷学院的认可 或者是董事会.

The purpose of the time, place and manner regulations set forth in this policy is to establish procedures and reasonable controls for the use of college facilities. 它旨在平衡学院履行其使命的责任 华盛顿州的州立教育机构与大学团体的利益寻求 to assemble in common areas of the campus for expressive activity. 学院认可 大学团体应该有机会利用这些设施和 grounds of the college to the fullest extent possible. 学院已指定 certain sites as public use areas open to non-college groups as set forth herein.

B. 定义

大学组: 指当前在校生或在职员工的个人或团体 of the college, or guests of the college who are sponsored by a recognized student organization, employee organization, or the administration of the college.

学校设施: includes all buildings, structures, grounds, office space and parking lots.

富有表现力的活动: 包括,但不一定限于,信息纠察,请愿流通, 散发宣传单张或小册子、演讲、示威、 集会,在户外地区的演讲,抗议,会议,以显示组 感受或情绪和/或其他类型的集合来共享信息,观点 或观点.

是非大学组: means individuals, or combinations of individuals, who are not currently enrolled students or current employees of the college and who are not officially affiliated 或与一个公认的学生组织有联系,或邀请客人,被认可 employee group, or the administration of the college.

公共用地: 是指学院选择开放的每个校区的那些区域 非大学团体可以聚集在一起进行受第一修正案保护的表达性活动, subject to reasonable time, place or manner restrictions.

C. 使用设施和场地

  1. 根据本政策的规定和要求,团体可以使用校园 limited forums for expressive activities between the hours of 8 a.m. 10便士.m.
  2. Any sound amplification device may only be used at a volume which does not disrupt or disturb the normal use of classrooms, offices or laboratories or any previously 预定的大学事件或活动.
  3. Groups are encouraged to notify the campus public safety department no later than 在事件发生前24小时. However, unscheduled events are permitted 只要该事件不实质性地干扰在…发生的任何其他功能 设施.
  4. 所有用于表达活动的网站都应该清理干净,保持原样 情况良好,并可接受学院代表的检查 事件. Reasonable charges may be assessed against the sponsoring organization for the costs of extraordinary clean-up or for the repair of damaged property.
  5. 所有的消防,安全,卫生或特别规定的活动 遵守规则.  The college cannot and will not provide utility connections or hook-ups for purposes of expressive activity conducted pursuant to this policy.
  6. 活动进行时,不得妨碍车辆、单车及行人 or other traffic or otherwise interfere with ingress or egress to the college, or to college buildings or facilities, or to college activities or events. 事件 不得给大学生制造安全隐患或构成不合理的安全隐患; 大学的雇员或受邀者.
  7. 活动不得影响学校内外的教育活动 建设或以其他方式阻止学院履行其使命和成就 its primary purpose of providing an education to its students. 事件不能 实质性侵犯大学生、职工或其他人员的权利和特权 被邀请去大学.
  8. There shall be no overnight camping on college facilities or grounds. 露营的定义 包括睡觉、进行烹饪活动或存放个人物品 for personal habitation, or the erection of tents or other shelters or structures 用于个人居住的.
  9. 学校设施不得用于商业销售、招揽、广告 or promotional activities, unless: (a) such activities serve educational purposes of the college; and (b) such activities are under the sponsorship of a college department or office or officially chartered student club.
  10. 活动还必须按照任何其他适用的学院政策进行 and regulations, local ordinances and state or federal laws.


  1. College buildings, rooms, and athletic fields may be rented by non-college groups in accordance with the college's facilities use policy. 租用大学大楼时 在运动场,个人或组织可能需要缴纳保证金和/或保证金 购买保险以保护学院免受费用或其他责任的影响 与学院的设施使用政策. When the college grants permission to use 其设施是以个人的明示理解和条件 or organization assumes full responsibility for any loss or damage.
  2. 是非大学 groups may otherwise use college facilities for expressive activity as 在本政策中确定.
  3. 学院指定以下区域作为唯一的有限公共论坛区域 for use by non-college groups for expressive activity on campus:
    1. 公共使用区域可能会被安排. Scheduled groups have priority of use over unscheduled groups:
      1. On the college's 皇冠8868会员登录 campus the limited public forum is located on the west side of the campus fountain in front of the Van Tassell building.
      2. 在奥马克校区,有限的公共论坛位于校园的北侧 located adjacent to the garden behind the North Classroom building.
    2. Please contact the vice president of administrative services for more information.
  4. 在指定的公众中从事表达性活动的非大学团体 use area(s) are encouraged to provide notice to the campus public safety office no 在事件发生前24小时内,请提供以下信息 仅仅是为了确保(1)该地区没有其他安排(2)给学院 an opportunity to assess any security needs:
    1. 个人、团体联系人的姓名、地址和电话号码; entity or organization sponsoring 事件; and
    2. The date, time and requested location of 事件; and
    3. The nature and purpose of 事件; and
    4. The estimated number of people expected to participate in 事件.

E. 物料分布

大学团体可以在公告栏、信息亭和其他展示区域发布信息 为此目的而指定,并可在整个开放区域分发材料 of campus, in compliance with WVC policy 200.180、物料分发. 是非大学 团体只能在非学院团体指定的地点分发材料. 我们鼓励(但不要求)赞助机构提供其名称和名称 地址上的分布式信息.

F. 侵权行为

  1. 违反这些规定或其行为危害健康的非大学团体 or safety of others, will be advised of the specific nature of the violation, and 如果他们坚持违反,将由校园校长或指定人员提出要求 离开学校财产. Such a request will be deemed to withdraw the license or privilege to enter onto or remain upon any portion of the college facilities of the person or group of persons requested to leave, and subject such individuals to arrest under the criminal trespass provisions of RCW 9A.52或市政条例.
  2. Members of the college community (students, faculty, and staff) who do not comply 有了这些规定,将报告给相应的学院办公室或机构 for action in accord with established college policies.
  3. 当学校撤销任何人进入学校财产的许可或特权时, 临时或在一定时期内,该人可以提出复审请求 将决定通知行政副总裁或其指定人员,并在十日内通知 收到非法侵入通知. The request must contain the reasons why the individual 不同意非法侵入通知. The trespass notice will remain in effect during 任何审查期的结束. The decision of the vice president of administrative 服务或指定人员将是学院的最终决定,并应发出 五个工作天内.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 2/7/19, 11/5/19
Adopted by the board of trustees: 2/22/19, 11/20/19
策略联系人:Administrative 服务

000.200 政治活动及政策
000.210 宗教活动政策
000.300 调查和言论自由政策
000.330 不歧视 & 骚扰政策
200.180 物料分发政策