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Tobacco Free Campus FAQs


What exactly does the tobacco free policy do?

This policy ensures that Wenatchee Valley College is tobacco free. This includes inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying of any unlighted or lighted tobacco material - including cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars or pipes - on WVC property. The use of other tobacco products, such as smokeless or chewing tobacco, is also included in the tobacco free policy. The policy does not include FDA approved nicotine-replacement therapy products for the purpose of cessation.

Who is affected by the tobacco free policy?

The tobacco policy applies to all persons on or in WVC property. This includes, but is not limited to; persons on WVC sidewalks, parking lots, landscaped areas, recreational areas, in buildings on WVC property and in vehicles owned, rented or leased by WVC.

Why are you going tobacco free and not just non-smoking?

Non-compliance with the designated smoking areas and the constant littering on campus indicated it was time for a change. Facilities management spends a lot of time cleaning up chewing tobacco spittle all across campus in entryways, stairwells and on walkways. It makes for a very unpleasant environment for all.

Why doesn’t WVC continue to provide designated smoking areas on campus?

We have and they just haven’t worked. Many people choose not to use the designated smoking areas and frequently smoke on their way to classes. Providing a place to smoke does not support WVC’s goal of creating a healthier environment.

Can I smoke in my car?

Tobacco use in personal vehicles is prohibited if on college property.

Isn’t WVC discriminating against tobacco users with this policy?

Legally, WVC has a right to decide whether or not to permit tobacco in its facilities and on its grounds. Tobacco use is the leading cause of death in this country and is a preventable disease. WVC will continue to set policies regarding activity on our premises and to create an environment that we believe is in the best interest of the educational environment for our employees, students and visitors.

How is the policy enforced?

Ultimately it is everyone’s responsibility to follow WVC policy while on college property. We ask that everyone remind each other that we are a tobacco free campus. In addition to verbal reminders, failure to comply with the tobacco free campus policy could result in corrective/disciplinary action and possibly citations and fines.

What will happen to students who violate the policy?

As a result of continued violation of the WVC Tobacco Free Campus Policy, students may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension, restitution or probation.

What will happen to employees who violate the policy?

Compliance with WVC rules and regulations is considered a standard part of job performance for all employees. Repeated failure by employees of WVC to abide by these rules and procedures may be addressed through informal discussions between the employee and her/his immediate supervisor (e.g., clarifying the tobacco free campus policy, outlining available resources and helping the employee to develop a strategy for compliance with the tobacco free policy).

What should I do if I see an employee, student or visitor smoking on campus?

With the utmost courtesy and respect, remind the person that WVC is a tobacco free campus. If the person continues to smoke or becomes confrontational, we encourage you to walk away and call campus security at extension #6911. We recognize that not everyone will feel comfortable approaching smokers, but we encourage the campus community to assist with compliance in some way.

What resources are available to help employees?

Wenatchee Vallet College is committed to helping studentsand employees manage or overcome their tobacco use. For available resources, see the Tobacco Free Campus webpage.

Are other colleges and universities tobacco-free and smoke-free?

Many Washington state campuses have some form of no-smoking rule or are in the process of adopting one. WVC will be the one of many Washington college campus to go 100 percent smoke-free.

How was this policy communicated?

The policy was communicated through an informative and educational process. The policy is posted on the website with resources for help with quitting. Students and employees were communicated through email and fliers posted around both campuses. There will be distinctive signage posted near entrances and property perimeters. We will approach anyone found smoking on the property, inform the person about the policy and politely ask for their cooperation.

How can I best support the policy?

We all have a role to play in creating healthier communities. You can best support this policy simply by moving off property when using tobacco products. We have asked our employees to take an active role in making people aware by politely asking tobacco users to move off property. Non-smokers can help by respecting this may be difficult for tobacco users and by providing encouragement to those who choose to quit, while continuing to respect the right to choose.

Why are electronic cigarettes included in the tobacco ban?

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, are battery-operated products designed to deliver nicotine, flavor and other chemicals. They turn nicotine, which is highly addictive, and other chemicals into a vapor that is inhaled by the user. E-Cigarettes may contain ingredients that are known to be toxic, and may contain other ingredients that may not be safe. Also, most e-cigarettes are manufactured to look like conventional cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.

How can I ask questions or address concerns that I have about the tobacco free campus policy?

Any questions pertaining to the tobacco free campus policy can be submitted to the human resources office at or by phone at 509.682.4445.