

A. 道德政策道德标准

The following sections describe major principles from the ethics law that apply to 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院的所有员工.

  1. 利益冲突
  2. Gifts
  3. 谢礼
  4. 因公务或不履行公务而给予的补偿
  5. 外间活动补偿
  6. 利用国家资源谋取私利
  7. 利用公共资源进行政治竞选
  8. 机密信息
  9.  交易中的财务权益
  10.  协助办理交易
  11.  特权
  12. 国家后就业
  13. 出版商的样品

1. 利益冲突 

No 州官 or 国家的员工 可能有利益,财务或其他,直接或间接,或从事 business or transaction or professional activity, or incur an obligation of any nature, that is in conflict with the proper discharge of the 州官's or 国家的员工's 公务. (RCW 42.52.020)

皇冠8868会员登录谷学院的员工可能不会 参与 in activities in either their personal or professional lives that conflict with their 公务 or 参与 in decision-making where they or their family members 有个人的或 州官经济利益. 员工及家属不得接受 州官, favor or preferential treatment that comes with personal benefit or obligations (explicit or implied) or that does not adhere to the limitations on gifts as set forth under RCW 42.52.150.

2.   Gifts

No 州官 or 国家的员工 可以直接或间接地接受、接受、索取、寻求或索取; 州官 as a gift, gratuity, or favor from a person if it could be reasonably expected that the gift, gratuity, or favor would influence the vote, action, or judgment of the 官员或雇员,或被视为作为或不作为的奖励的一部分. (RCW 42.52.140)

员工 shall not accept any gift (to themselves or to their family members, or a combination of gifts to themselves and their family members) that totals more than $50 from one source in one calendar year; or a single gift totaling more than $50 在一个日历年内从多个来源获得. 这个送礼规则不适用于员工 whose role is to seek to acquire goods or services, who 参与s in those regulatory 或合同事宜(“第4条”雇员) RCW 42.52.150(4).

Section 4 employees whose role is to seek to acquire goods or services, who 参与s in those regulatory or contractual matters may ONLY accept those items listed in RCW 42.52.150(4)(a)-(g) from a person regulated by the agency or from a person who seeks to provide goods 或者为机构提供服务.

All other college employees MAY accept the following gifts provided the gifts are 主动:

a.   插花或糖果.
b.   象征性的促销物品,如笔和记事本.
c.   奖励(牌匾、奖杯、桌上物品或类似物品).
d.   信息材料,和/或订阅有关的履行官方 duties.
e.   Food and beverage consumed at hosted receptions related to 公务, and/or admission to, and the cost of food and beverages consumed at, events sponsored by or in conjunction with a civic, charitable, governmental, or community organization.
f.    Gifts from dignitaries from another state or a foreign country that are intended 在本质上是个人化的.
g.   同事礼物交换.
h.   来自家人或朋友的礼物.

员工 receiving gifts, other than the statutory exceptions, are to report the receipt of the gift to their supervisor in writing and contact the college foundation 办公室确保礼物被学院正确接受.

If accepted, the gift will be recorded in the college inventory (if required), and 将其用于大学项目和我们的学生. 带有一个 value greater than $50 but have no general use that would benefit college programs and students are to be sent to the purchasing manager in fiscal services for disposal.

3.   谢礼

任何州官员或州雇员不得接受 谢礼 unless specifically authorized by the college where they serve as 州官 or 国家的员工. (RCW 42.52.130)

员工 of 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College must receive authorization from the college, using the college’s honorarium request and approval form, before accepting any 谢礼.

4.   因公务或不履行公务而给予的补偿

No 州官 of 国家的员工 may, directly or indirectly, ask for or give or 接受或同意接受任何 补偿, gift, reward or gratuity from a source other than the state of Washington for performing 或遗漏或推迟履行任何义务 官员的责任法律另有规定的除外. (RCW 42.52.110)

5.   外间活动补偿

任何州官员或州雇员都不得接受 具有经济价值的东西 在任何 合约或补助金 在他或她的公务之外. (RCW 42.52.120)

This provision is to prohibit outside employment or other financial arrangements that could have or could become a conflict with the employee’s ability to perform duties 以及为学院取得最好成绩的责任. 当考虑 decisions dealing with employment, remember that the definition of employee includes 你的配偶和直系亲属. 有许多具体的说明和要求 根据这一规定,包括六部分例外的善意以外 补偿 这并不违反其他限制.

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employees who desire to contract with other state agencies for work to be performed on non-state time must follow the requirements set forth in WAC 292-110-060.

6.   利用国家资源谋取私利

州政府官员或州政府雇员不得 employ or use any person, money, or property under the officer’s or employee’s official control or direction, or in his or her official custody, for the private benefit or gain of the officer, employee, or another. This section does not prohibit the use of public resources to benefit others as part 国家官员或国家雇员的公共职责. (RCW 42.52.160)

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employees shall not use college resources for personal gain, 为个人方便或避免个人开支. 这包括允许其他人 (家人、朋友、邻居)利用国家资源. “个人利益或收益”可能 include a use solely for personal convenience, or a use to avoid a personal expense. Responsibility and accountability for the appropriate use of state resources ultimately rests with the individual 州官 and 国家的员工, and/or the 州官 或授权使用的州政府雇员.

College resources include tangibles: phone systems, electronic networks (Internet, email), equipment, furniture, facilities, (offices, bulletin boards, grounds, parking) consumables (paper, markers, and food) mail service, and data (employee lists, databases). College resources also include people: both the employee’s time during scheduled work hours, and the scheduled work time of employees under the direction or influence of 另一个员工.

The state constitution, state and federal laws, and the ethics in public service act strictly prohibit certain private activity and certain uses of state resources, including: (WAC 292-110-010)

a.   Any use for the purpose of conducting an outside business or private employment;
b.   Any use for the purpose of supporting, promoting the interests of, or soliciting for an outside organization or group, including, but not limited to: a private business, a nonprofit organization, or a political party (unless provided for by law or authorized 由机构负责人或指定人员负责);
c.   任何为协助选举某一人士为立法会议员而进行的活动而作的用途 支持或反对一项投票提案;
d.   以参与或协助游说为目的的任何使用 州立法机关或州机构负责人;
e.   Any use related to conduct that is prohibited by a federal or state law or rule, or a state agency policy; and
f.    Any private use of any state property that has been removed from state facilities 或其他官方工作地点,即使对国家没有成本.

WAC 292-110-010 also allows occasional use by employees of property having de minimis costs and value. The rule permits an employee to make occasional but limited use of state resources 为私人利益,如:

a.   这对国家来说几乎没有成本;
b.   任何使用都是短暂的,不经常发生,并且是最有效的 利用时间或资源;
c.   这种使用不会影响官员或雇员的工作表现 公务;
d.   使用不干扰或分散国家业务的进行,由于 音量或频率;
e.   这种使用不会干扰其他政府雇员,也没有义务让他们这样做 make a personal use of state resources; and
f.    The use does not compromise the security or integrity of state property, information, 或软件.

For example, an employee may use an office telephone to make local calls, an office 张贴告示的公告板,或者休息时举行会议的办公场所.

7.   利用公共资源进行政治竞选

州政府官员或州政府雇员不得 use or authorize the use of facilities of an agency, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election of a person to an office or for the promotion of or opposition to a ballot proposition. Knowing acquiescence by a person with authority to direct, control, or influence the actions of the 州官 or 国家的员工 using public resources in violation 违反本节规定的行为. 代理机构的设施包括 but are not limited to use of stationery, postage, machines, and equipment, use of 国家的员工s of the agency during working hours, vehicles, office space, publications 以及该机构所服务人员的客户名单. (RCW 42.52.180)

While 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employees have the right to free speech, there are 限制他们在工作中如何行使这一权利. 例如,员工 cannot use their positions at the college to influence votes for or against any candidate 或者选票问题. 任何大学资源都不得用于游说支持或反对某位候选人, 投票或立法行动.

8.   机密信息


a.   接受雇用或从事任何商业或专业活动,该 officer or employee might reasonably expect would require or induce him or her to 未经授权披露 机密信息 acquired by the official or employee by reason of the official's or employee's official position.
b.   披露因该人员的行为而获得的机密资料 or employee's official position or otherwise use the information for his or her personal gain or benefit or the gain or benefit of another, unless the disclosure has been 由法律或法律条款授权的 contract involving (a) the 州官's or 国家的员工's agency and (b) the person or 有权放弃对资料保密的人士.
c.   向任何无权或无权披露机密信息的人披露机密信息 接收信息.
d.   故意隐瞒记录,如果官员或雇员知道记录是 要求根据 公共记录法案RCW 42.56他个人有义务公布这一记录,但他没有这样做.

This subsection does not apply where the decision to withhold the record was made 真诚地. (RCW 42.52.050)

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employees must keep 机密信息 confidential. Only other staff members who need to know should be included in the information loop. 员工 should be aware of the downfalls of using emails (no expectation of privacy; others may forward emails outside your anticipated distribution area; emails may be 传票和公开记录.)此外,员工应该注意自己的随意交谈 确保在工作场所内外保密.

9.   交易中的财务权益

任何州官员或州雇员都不能 有利的方面有兴趣直接或间接地,在 contract, sale, lease, purchase, or grant that may be made by, through, or is under the supervision of the officer or employee, in whole or in part, or accept, directly or indirectly, any 补偿, gratuity, or reward from any other person 有利的方面有兴趣 in the contract, 出售、租赁、购买或授予.

州政府官员或州政府雇员不得 参与 in a 涉及国家的交易 in his or her official capacity with a person of which the officer or employee is an officer, agent, employee, or member, or in which the officer or employee owns a 有益的兴趣. (RCW 42.52.030)

皇冠8868会员登录谷学院的员工可能不会 参与 in college decisions that benefit, or appear to benefit, the employee or any person or organization in which the employee 有或似乎有实益权益. 实益权益通常是指 利益:经济利益或潜在的经济利益. 实益权益包括 spouses, family members, and businesses and organizations in which an employee has a level of management power and owner interest but excludes ownership interest in mutual funds, investment pools, and corporation stocks where there is no management power.

10. 协助办理交易

Except in the course of 公务 or incident to 公务, no 州官 或者州政府雇员可以 assist 另一个人,直接或间接,无论是否 补偿, in a 涉及国家的交易:

a.   In which the 州官 or 国家的员工 has at any time 参与d; or
b.   If the 涉及国家的交易 is or has been under the official responsibility of the 州官 or 国家的员工 within a period of two years preceding such 援助.

州政府官员或州政府雇员不得 share in 补偿 received by another for 职员或雇员被禁止提供的协助.

A business entity of which a 州官 or 国家的员工 is a partner, managing officer, or employee shall not assist another person in a transaction involving the 如果州官员或州雇员被禁止这样做,说明. (RCW 42.52.040)

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employees must not use ‘inside knowledge’ to help any outside 组织、企业或个人与学院进行业务往来.

11. 特权

Except as required to perform employment duties, no employee or officer of the college may use his or her position to secure special privileges or exemptions for that employee, 雇员的配偶、子女、父母或其他人员. (RCW 42.52.070)

12. 国家后就业

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employees who leave college employment are restricted by RCW 42.52.080. 这些限制涉及承包和赠款活动, 补偿 or future employment given in response to performance or non performance of duties influenced by the promise of 补偿 or future employment, or participating in a 涉及国家的交易 in which the former 州官 or 国家的员工 at any time 参与d during 国家就业. 任何人离开一个职位,在一个组织中寻找新的职位 与大学或其他国家机构做生意应该密切审查 RCW 42.52.080.

13. 出版商的样品

员工 may, in the course of their employment with 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College, receive 供应商提供的课本、软件或其他商品样品. 因为材料 are received as a direct result of the employee’s position at the college, selling 物资和利润的获取违反了国家伦理法. 材料可能 be donated to students, libraries, the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 基金会 or staff 资源领域.

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