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Student Records


所有学生教育档案均按《皇冠8868会员登录》的规定办理 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Each student has the right to review 并检查他或她在皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院保存的所有教育记录. 每个学生都有权利阻止教育记录泄露给第三方 with certain limited exceptions. Unless restricted by the student, the college may 披露以下信息:学生姓名,主修领域,毕业日期 出勤率,获得的学位,课外活动,运动员身高/体重 团队成员,获得的奖项,以及最近参加的教育机构或机构 by the student.

每个学生都有权要求改正他或她所受教育的任何部分 他/她认为不准确或具有误导性的记录. All students have the 向美国家庭政策和法规办公室提出投诉的权利 关于皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院未能遵守FERPA的教育. 每个学生都有权获得所采用的书面机构政策的副本 by Wenatchee Valley College in compliance with FERPA. A copy may be obtained from the admissions/registration office.

Adopted by the board of trustees: 7/12/01
Last reviewed: __/__/__
Policy contact: Student Services

Related policies and procedures
1400.300 Student Records Procedure        


学生档案按照家庭教育权利和 Privacy Act. WVC学生档案政策适用于许多学术程序 比如评分、出勤率和学术缺陷. The policies and procedures 有关学生的档案都定期在学院等文件上公布 catalog and the student handbook. Questions about these procedures can be addressed 给辅导员或相应的学生服务官员. Financial aid eligibility 其中一些政策的实施可能会影响退伍军人的福利 and procedures.


Regular class attendance is expected. The instructor may permit excused absences, but all class work must be completed. Students are responsible for making arrangements with the instructor for completion of missed work. Certain programs may require attendance 参加临床、实习、会议和会议. Transportation 参加和参加这些活动是学生的责任.


在课堂上,当有家人或 medical emergency during normal college business hours. The delivery of more routine messages cannot be accommodated. Requests to deliver emergency messages should be made to the admissions office.


期末考试在每学期的最后一周进行. Final exam schedules 是在大学目录和大学网站上找到的吗. Unless otherwise noted, 每学期最后一天上课. Evening (starting 5 p.m. 或更晚)或星期六的课程:期末考试将在最后一个常规时间举行 class meeting date, time and place.



  1. Grade Point Average
    Grades used in computing grade point average are:

    Grade Point Value
    A 4.0
    A- 3.7
    B+ 3.3
    B 3.0
    B- 2.7
    C+ 2.3
    C 2.0
    C- 1.7
    D+ 1.3
    D 1.0
    F 0.0

    Grades not used in computing grade point average are:

    Grade Meaning
    P Pass
    Y Work in Progress
    W Withdrawal
    N Audit
    I Incomplete
    NP No Pass
    * Remove Grade

    “Pass” defined: a C grade or higher earns a pass; a lower grade earns a no pass, or an F.

    GPA的计算方法是将获得的总学分除以总学分 number of credit hours completed. Here’s an example:

    Credits Points
    5 credits of A equals (5 credits x 4 points) 20 points
    5 credits of B equals (5 credits x 3 points) 15 Points
    10 credits total equals 35 Points
     35 points divided by 10 credits = 3.5 GPA  
  2. Pass/Fail
    学生可以通过提交书面申请,在及格/不及格的基础上注册课程 to the admissions office by the 10th day of the quarter. Satisfactory completion of a course earns a “P” grade; failure to complete the course satisfactorily earns an “F” grade.
    学生们被告诫不要在及格/不及格的情况下选修主修或辅修课程 basis. 在大多数情况下,最多10个及格/不及格学分可用于学位 requirements at WVC.
  3. Grade Change
    年级变动必须在学期结束后的两个季度内完成,夏季除外 grade is earned. 主动改变成绩是学生的责任. Appeal forms are available at the registration office. The course may still be repeated for 改成绩的截止日期过后,改一个不同的成绩.
  4. Work in Progress
    “Y”表示该学生已注册为正在进行的课程. It 可用于工作进度在很大程度上取决于课程的学生 如独立项目课程或开放实验室/诊所课程. Work must be completed within one year of enrollment.
  5. Withdrawal
    “W”表示学生退了一门课. The last day of each 学期退课在学院官方日历上有明确规定. Information 有关退课的详细信息可在招生办公室和WVC网上查询 catalog.
    WVC的行政退课程序允许在没有学生的情况下退课 同意,当学生既没有上过课也没有通知过老师 by the end of the second class meeting. Once this condition has been met, the withdrawal may be processed.
  6. Audit
    “N”表示学生选择了与 明白没有学分,没有分数. Students who choose 旁听课不一定要参加考试,但指导员可能要求合理 attendance and class participation. Full tuition and fees are charged for classes taken on an audit basis. 从信用到审计的变更是允许的,直到最后 of the 30th day of instruction. The instructor’s written approval is required after the fifth day of instruction. 审核等级不会出现在官方WVC成绩单上.
  7. Incomplete
    “I”表示学生已被讲师授予额外的时间 to complete required course work. Terms of completion are specified in a contract signed by the student and instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate this contract. Contract forms are available in the admissions office. The maximum length of a contract is two quarters, excluding summer. An “I” grade is changed to 如果在规定的时间内没有履行合同条款,则得“F”.
  8. Pass/No Pass
    “P”或“NP”指定给ABE, ESL发展和护理课程 only. A C grade or higher earns a “pass”; anything lower earns a grade of “no pass.”
  9. Setting Aside Low Grades
    这项规定允许学生删除那些不能反映现状的差成绩 the students’ current academic performance. Only petitions to set aside all grades in a particular quarter will be considered. This option is not available for singular courses within a quarter. 被搁置的成绩不会从学生的成绩中删除 transcript. 分数旁边有一个“*”符号表示 在计算新的累积平均绩点时,将不再使用该课程. 预留的学分不能用于满足毕业的任何要求. 请注意,联邦财政援助条例不承认“搁置”的成绩.” 有限招生项目可能包括在计算录取GPA时留出成绩. 学生在WVC期间只能申请两次预留款项. 学生可以申请留出一个季度,至少有一个年级 C- or lower or where the quarterly GPA is below 2.0.

    连续两个季度完成全日制课程,平均成绩2分.0 or better are required 作为学生学习成绩改变的证据. Part-time students can 如果连续修满30个大学学分,就有资格被免职 at least a 2.0 GPA. 成绩必须至少经过两个日历年才能更改 under this provision. 对这些程序的例外情况,可向委员会提出请愿 academic regulations committee. 请愿表格也可以在学生发展处找到 office. 填妥的申请表应交回学生发展主任 officer.

    虽然WVC规定为了GPA的目的而忽略过去的成绩 计算,其他学院可能不会以相同的方式计算GPA. They may or may 不接受学分,使用“预留”分数进行计算. WVC can only set aside grades earned at WVC. WVC cannot set aside grades from other colleges.
  10. Repeating a Course
    重复的课程只会在最后一次尝试中获得学分并影响GPA. The GPA 重复上课的成绩单将不更新,除非招生办公室 is notified.
  11. Honors
    校长名单和院长名单每季度编制,以表彰优秀 student achievement. Honorees are announced publicly. The following criteria must be met to qualify for honor roll:
    1. 在100分或以上的课程中至少修满12学分. (“I”, “P”, “PP” and “Y” designations do not count toward the 12-credit minimum.)
    2. Maintain a 4.0 GPA for the president’s list.
    3. Maintain a 3.5 - 3.99 GPA for the dean’s list.

累积平均分达到3分的学生在毕业时获得荣誉.5 or higher.

至少修满12个学分,平均绩点不低于3分的学生.2 or higher are 有资格加入国立社区大学Phi Theta Kappa当地分会 honor society. Phi Theta Kappa鼓励奖学金,领导和服务. Members Eta Rho (Wenatchee校区)和Alpha Kappa Eta (Omak校区)活跃在该学院 local, state, regional and international levels.


皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院的学术标准是为了确保 大学资源的使用是为了所有现在和未来的学生的最大利益. 该政策还确保了有学习困难的学生得到关注 the many educational resources available to them. Students are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own academic progress.

  1. First Quarter – Warning
    在下列情况下,试图获得6个或6个以上学分的学生将受到学术警告 他或她的累积平均绩点(GPA)低于2.0. All students on academic 收到来自招生部门的警告信,通知他们的学术成绩 standing, and the next steps to take. The transcript is endorsed “academic warning.” 学生在随后的学期中保持学业警告状态,直到他们的累计成绩 GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  2. Second Quarter – Probation
    如果受到学术警告的学生在一秒钟内尝试6个或6个以上的学分 time, and his or her quarterly GPA falls below 2.0, they are placed on academic probation. 所有留校察看的学生都会收到招生部门的信件 建议他们的学术地位,以及下一步要采取的措施. The transcript is endorsed “academic probation.” Students remain on academic probation status in subsequent quarters until their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.
  3. Third Quarter – Suspension
    如果留校察看的学生在第三次考试中尝试了6个或更多的学分 time, and his or her quarterly GPA falls below 2.0, they are placed on academic suspension. 所有被休学的学生都会收到招生部门的信件 建议他们的学术地位,以及下一步要采取的措施. The transcript is endorsed “academic suspension.” Suspended students are not permitted to enroll for any classes for one quarter. Students returning from academic suspension are required 向学生发展办公室提交一份完整的重新入学申请表格 然后和辅导员安排重新入学面试. The student remains 在接下来的季度中,他们将被勒令休学,直到他们的累积绩点达到 2.0 or higher.
  4. Academic Forgiveness
    如果学生在受到学术警告、留校察看或休学期间停止参加WVC 身份,他们保持在该水平至少三年(12个学术 quarters). 如果在此期间他们没有返回WVC,他们的学生记录将被删除 updated to remove them from academic deficiency status.

WVC学术管理委员会审查学生放弃大学学业的申请 policies. 所有上访必须采用书面形式,上访人可以亲自到场 the committee. 委员会就请愿书提出建议,并将其提交 the appropriate administrator for action.


皇冠8868会员登录谷大学的辅导员批准了提前复职的申请 suspension or dismissal. 学生必须提交一份完整的重新入学申请 form to the student development office. The petition must be in writing and must show 值得特别考虑的情有可原的情况. Petition for readmission forms are available from the registration office.

除了请愿书,学生还必须完成重新入学面试 a counselor. 在面试中,学生应该准备好找出原因 对于学习成绩差的学生,提出一个消除这些原因的计划 切合实际的教育目标,并提出包括课程在内的教育计划 学生想在接下来的一到三个季度里上课.

如果辅导员不批准重新入学申请,学生 可以向学术管理委员会提出上诉吗.

注册主任审查申请放弃几乎所有的学院政策或程序, 除了申请重新入学,学费/费用减免,以及与教师有关的问题 (i.e., disputed grades). 在审查之后,注册商将作出决定 在请愿书中,要求学生提供更多信息或转发请求 to the appropriate administrator for action. Student petitions may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Credit overloads for a specific quarter.
  2. Removal/set asides of low grades for a specific quarter.
  3. Substitution of graduation requirements.
  4. Late changes in class status (withdraw, change to audit).

All petitions must be in writing. Petition forms are available from the registration office. 如果申请被拒绝,学生可以向学术机构提出上诉 regulations committee.

Originally approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/23/05
Presented to the board of trustees: 11/15/06, 3/20/13
Last reviewed: __/__/__
Procedure contact: Student Services

Related policies and procedures
400.300 Student Records Policy