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父母, watch this video for an overview of our RS procedures and tips on how to better support your children at home.

It is the policy of the College to regard 运行开始 学生 as "regular college 学生." The college is an adult learning community and we treat all of our 学生 相应的. 学生 are expected to be independent and responsible for their actions.

This means that when your 学生 have problems with an instructor, the 学生 need to contact the teacher directly. We also encourage the student to stop by the 运行开始 Office to speak with their 顾问. Instructors have office hours to meet with 学生 privately and answer questions and address concerns.  WVC faculty are under no obligation to communicate 直接与父母沟通.  Their interactions with 学生 are protected under FERPA. 

All student educational records are maintained according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) concerning information that becomes part of the permanent record and governing the conditions of its disclosure. 只有名字,日期 of enrollment, and degrees earned can be released without student authorization.

This can create a much different dynamic than what has been experienced by most parents in the secondary schools. We understand this can be challenging.  教孩子们 to navigate the college environment requires a transition from being the advocate for the child to educating 学生 to advocate for themselves.  We provide assistance and guidance as often as possible to 学生 about how to manage this new challenge. This is where you can offer your support in these efforts as well.  这可以是 simple as teaching your student how to locate contact information, or how to properly compose an email, or leave a voice message for an instructor, or role playing a conversation they need to initiate with a faculty member-then allowing your student to complete the task on their own.  These things, and more, help our 学生 to achieve tremendous growth and independence.  Encourage your 学生 to establish relationships with their professors and communicate with them directly and frequently.  This leads to increased success in the post secondary 领域.  These are also transferrable skills that will serve them well beyond the WVC 校园

学生 may opt to give the 运行开始 staff permission to share more information 通过完成这个 form and returning it to the RS office. 

We strongly encourage our 学生 to have open and frequent communication with parents and high school counselors about their academics at 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College. Canvas is an online platform that most of our professors use to keep their 学生 up-to-date on grades, assignments, and much more. Below are videos to help you better understand how to manage Canvas to help support your 学生. It is important to keep in mind that 学生 create their own passwords, in which 运行开始 staff nor any other WVC employee do not have access to this information. It is important for parents and 学生 to communicate and work together for support and to be informed of their 学生 academics.

How to 访问 Canvas 成绩成绩-学生/ta-p/384190

访问ing Canvas (Course) 日历日历-Overview-学生/ta-p/383519

The college is released to give academic information to high school counselors or administrators if necessary. If you have questions about this please contact Maria Christina Monroe 509-682-6848.